You can edit 3D layers like Characters and 3D items with this Toolbar.
3D layers are 3 dimensional images that can overlap each other.
※All of these are in regards to the layer you have selected at that moment.
※All of these involve moving objects within the red grid-lines.
‹3D› Go Up
Moves the 3D layer up.
‹3D› Go Down
Moves the 3D layer down.
‹3D› Go to Left
Moves the 3D layer left.
‹3D› Go to Right
Moves the 3D layer right.
‹3D› Zoom In
Increases the 3D layer's size.
‹3D› Zoom Out
Decreases the 3D layer's size.
‹3D› Lean Backward
Leans the 3D layer back.
‹3D› Lean Forward
Leans the 3D layer forward.
‹3D› Rotate Right
The 3D layer will rotate to the right.
‹3D› Rotate Left
The 3D layer will rotate to the left.
‹3D› Lean to Right
The 3D layer will lean to the right.
‹3D› Lean to Left
The 3D layer will lean to the left.
‹3D› Lean and Rotation Reset
Reverts the lean and rotation to its original form.
‹3D› Accelerator
Having it on will cause adjustments by the menu to be greator.