Shortcut Key
Hidden Functions

Key Function
↑,↓,←,→ Moves the 2D object up, down, left, right
Shift+↑,↓,←,→ (Not setup yet)
+', '-' Increases, decreases the size of the 2D object
Shift+'+', '-' (Not setup yet)
Ctrl+↑,↓,←,→ Moves the 3D object up, down, left, right
Shift+Ctrl+↑,↓,←,→ Moves the 3D object up, down, left, right (Bigger movements)
Alt+↑,↓,←,→ Leans the 3D object backwards, forwards. Rotates right, left
Shift+Alt+↑,↓,←,→ Leans the 3D object backwards, forwards. Rotates right, left (Bigger movements)
Alt+PgUp.PgDn Leans the 3D object left, right
Shift+Alt+PgUp.PgDn Leans the 3D object (Bigger movements)
Alt+'+', '-' Increases, decreases the size of the 3D object
Shift+Alt+'+', '-' Increases, decreases the size of the 3D object (Bigger movements)
Ctrl+W Ctrl+W Turn 3D Acceleration ON/OFF
Ctrl+E Reset the rotation of the 3D object.
F7 Change the camera angle of a 3D character.
F8 Change a 3D character or 3D item with another model.
F9 Change the outline setting of a 3D character or 3D item.
F10 Change the face of the 3D character.
F11 Change the pose of the 3D character.
F12 Change the items of the 3D character.
Tab, Shift+Tab Shift to the previous, next layer. (Good for the layer list)
Ctrl+Tab, Shift+Ctrl+Tab Switches to the next / previous tab in the raw materials list. (Loops once you reach the end)
PgUp,PgDn Scrolls the edit window up / down.
Shift+PgUp,Shift+PgDn Scrolls the edit window left / right.
Home,End Goes to the end / beginning of the edit window.